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Kids' Class



Our Kids' Class Leaders:

Gym founder Joey Speece is a black belt and father of two. He has been coaching since 2014, making him uniquely qualified to pass down his knowledge to the next generation.

Elizabeth Emily is a blue belt and mother of one. She started training jiu jitsu in 2021. She wants to empower the next generation, especially young girls, to grow stronger, physically and in life, through jiu jitsu.


45 Minutes of Fun and Exercise...Skills to Last a Lifetime

The kids' program has shorter classes that are designed to capture your children's attention in an engaging way while also equipping them with skills such as self-defense, humility, and self-discipline- all while moving their bodies, making new friends, and having fun in a safe and nurturing environment. The program focuses on bully-proofing: training kids how to protect themselves until they can get away from bullies and find an adult to intervene.


Program Details

Kids' classes are designed for children aged six to twelve. Classes will be taught weekly on Thursday and Friday nights from 5 pm to 5:45 pm. After an initial *FREE* trial class, cost is $20 per child, per class. Reach out to us today to register!



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